What color is cranberry red?
Glidden Cranberry Zing / #950714 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #950714 is a medium dark shade of pink-red. In the RGB color model #950714 is comprised of 58.43% red, 2.75% green and 7.84% blue.Click to see full answer. Then, is Cranberry a color?Cranberry is one of the shades of red, hence the reddish appearance to its color.Furthermore, what color is close to Cranberry? color close to cranberry Color close to tan ECRU Color close to turquoise PEACOCK BLUE Subsequently, question is, is cranberry pink or red? Cranberries are harvested in the fall when the fruit takes on its distinctive deep red color. Berries that receive sun turn a deep red when fully ripe, while those that do not fully mature are a pale pink or white color.Which Colour goes best with red? Colours that go well with red Primary red works well with yellow, white, tawny-orange, green, blue and black. Tomato red works well with cyan, mint green, sand, creamy-white, and grey. Cherry red works well with azure, grey, light-orange, sandy, pale-yellow, and beige.